The Regional Level 34th Youth Parliament Competition was hosted by Kendriya Vidyalaya CRPF Avadi, Chennai at the Men’s Club of CRPF Avadi Campus on 4th & 5th of October 2023. Six Kendriya Vidyalayas of Chennai Region, viz KV Nagercoil, KV Coimbatore, KV Puduchery, KV DGQA, Chennai , KV No 2 Trichy and KV HVF Avadi participated in the event.
Deputy Commissioner KVS Chennai Region highlighted the objectives of youth parliament competition. He stressed the need of such platforms to youngsters where they are given a mock parliament set up and exposure to the parliamentary proceedings. It is a platform to discuss national issues on a large scale in a proper forum.
All the teams displayed their sessions one by one over the next two days- three teams per day selected by lots. They were all well prepared and presented their sessions very effectively and interestingly. The first three positions were secured by KV HVF, KV Coimbatore and KV Nagercoil respectively. The Trophies and Certificates were distributed by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries